Friday, 15 February 2013

Making The AdSense Ads Suit Your Website – Part 1 (Shape And Size)

Making The AdSense Ads Suit Your Website – Part 1 (Shape And

We have learnt about the various kinds of strategies that you can apply for
maximizing your benefits from Google AdSense program. However, all that is
possible only if your AdSense ads suit your website in all different ways. Let’s
check the importance of making your AdSense ads suit your website and what
your do for making them suited:

Google AdSense program can reap even richer dividends for you if you are able
to attract more visitors to your website and if you are able to prompt them to take
action (i.e. click on the AdSense Ads). Google disallows statements that ask the
visitors to click on the AdSense Ads. In fact, Google AdSense Ads are to be
marked in some way as advertisements. However, there are other authentic
ways of getting the clicks on your AdSense Ads.

Besides the copy and quality content, you can also improve the performance of
your AdSense Ads by either making them blend with your website or making
them standout. The aim is to make the AdSense Ads more attractive/ appealing
to your website visitors and to make them look in-place (not out of place). Google
too recognizes this need and hence it provides you with customization options for
making the Ads look the way you want them to.

You can make the AdSense Ads suit your website by controlling the shape, size,
color and positioning of the Ads. Let’s have a brief look at the first two properties
i.e. shape and size:                                     

Shape of your AdSense Ads: This is one of the most important
customizations options that you have at your disposable. You can make
your selection from a number of Ad formats that Google makes available
to you. These include skyscrapers, single ad blocks and banners. Just
check the suitability of the shape with respect to the webpage where you
wish to include the AdSense Ad.

Size of your AdSense Ads: Again, you can use AdSense Ads of various
sizes. The size is important not only for making the Ads look suited to your
website but also for determining the number of Ads that can be displayed
on the webpage by the Google AdSense program. A large size generally
means that more Ads can be displayed on the page (and hence presents
the opportunity for earning more revenue with increased impressions).

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