Friday, 15 February 2013

AdSense Account Setup – Part 1 (Enrolment Form)

AdSense Account Setup – Part 1 (Enrolment Form)
As the benefits from Google AdSense program start getting clear to you, you (as
a website owner) would be inquisitive as to how you can setup your Google
AdSense account and whether it takes a lot of time to set up an AdSense
account. Let’s take a look at how you can setup your Google AdSense account:
So, you have decided to go ahead and use Google AdSense for generating
revenue from your website. Google AdSense doesn’t need you to sell any
products or services. With Google AdSense, you are just selling advertising
space on your website. And the best part is that Google doesn’t discriminate
between websites; so, any website owner can enroll with Google AdSense
program (as long as it adheres to the Google AdSense program policies).
Moreover, setting up a Google AdSense account is so easy that you can literally
start generating revenue within 15 minutes.

F or en r o l l in g to th e Goog le AdS en s e p r o g r am, g o to and click on the ‘Click here to Apply’ button. You
will be presented with an enrolment form where you need to fill-in some details
like your website information (URL and website language), the Google AdSense
products that you wish to use (i.e. AdSense for Content or AdSense for Search),
your contact information, your email address and your preferences. You will also
need to select an account type (business/individual) for your AdSense Account
and agree to the various policies, terms and conditions of Google AdSense
program. The account type will not affect your revenues in any way; it is there
just to determine if the payment is to be made in the name of a company or an
individual. The email address and the password that you provide during the
enrolment process will be required by you for logging into your account later on.
Note that you will be referred to as publisher by the Google AdSense program;
so when you return back to the Google AdSense website, you will be asked to
enter your login details as an ‘Existing Publisher’.

That’s it. You can now submit your application form for Google to evaluate and
get back to you.

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